For us, quality means solid products, functional, versatile and durable, that soon will not have to be replaced, but it also means friends bee products, beekeeper, and less negative impact on the environment.
When it comes to hives, our goal is to build the best hives market. We want to build the beehives efficient thermal standpoint, indoor air quality, moisture and condensation – or lack thereof! We want to build healthy homes for healthy and numerous swarms, I can walk outside to collect nectar and pollen instead of employing bees and time to acclimatize the hive.
But also more ergonomic hives, easier to handle, causing less strain on the skeleton and muscles beekeeper.
We want to, when a customer buys a product Timberbee, be aware that it takes a quality product, designed to work and to last, tested by us and by bees, and actually we tried this product had been constructed with the least negative impact on the environment.
We will continue, permanently, working to improve our entire product line. Our commitment to quality is to go all the way.
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