Product description
The Perone II hive is the largest beehive produced by TimberBee!
This hive was developed by Argentine beekeeper Oscar Perone to practice Permapicultura, a system that aims to provide the bees the most natural way of life possible. The Perone II hive gives them ample space, allowing them to accumulate good reserves of honey and generate extremely strong swarms.
As a rule, in Permapicultura, interventions in the hive are reduced to honey collection, is carried out, only, at the 3 handles. The nest is reserved to bees and should not be operated upon by the beekeeper.
Second Oscar Perone, what, in their over 40 years of experience as a beekeeper, We carried out a number of experiments with colonies of various sizes, hives with a capacity of 280 L produced the strongest clusters, more resilient and more productive.
The Perone II Hive TimberBee, due to their high volume, It is delivered as kit, can be very easily assembled, at home, with the aid of an electric screwdriver.